Not working. Give me back my money.
Very bad.not work
No documentation with this app. I contacted developers with questions, no answer. I guess that we are all supposed to know, in advance, how to configure the IP addresses in their software. A complete waste of money. I would sue if I could find them.
Hi. Im happy to use it. But in my samsung note 5 cant see settings becouse in note 5 not present this button.. can you make addition button settings or tell where i can change IP and port in some file in rovio .apk in android??? Thx.
Thank you for making this freakin rocks :) this is just fantastic
When open this app, screen free, can't touch, no action with message go to seting connect to device, that it. Can't touch because free screen. no activitive. Please refund. Thank you.
It lacks a few hacks avaliable big one being head angles! and audio dosent work but implement them and u have a great app. Please update the app with more features make it great
Greetings... Not many of us probably still use the rovio but I still love it. Very cool to be able to access a remote mobile camera at home whenever I want. I just upgraded to a Samsung S5 and it has the new android software, I believe it is KitKat. Problem is that I cannot get to the androvio settings anymore. It use to be a hard key on my old phone but has moved to a vertical ellipse soft button but androvio does not seem to support this. Mr. Developer, can you add a button to your app that will bring one to the settings screen? **Update. Found that long pressing the left hard key yields the same result as the old settings key
I upgraded my cell to my LG MS 395 and now I can't update or change my setting in androvio. Developer please help update this please.
Junk junk junk junk junk junk junk. And did I say junk junk junk.